Soongsil University Privacy Policy

Revision History

  • Privacy Policy 2019. 02. 01
  • Privacy Policy 2017. 09. 27
  • Privacy Policy 2017. 04. 04
  • Privacy Policy 2017. 02. 03
  • Privacy Policy 2016. 09. 26
  • Privacy Policy 2016. 04. 14
  • Privacy Policy 2015. 04. 29
  • Privacy Policy 2012. 03. 21
  • Privacy Policy 2011. 09. 30
  • Privacy Policy 2010. 12. 28
  • Privacy Policy 2009. 10. 29

Information about Personal Information Processing Policy

Soongsil University (hereinafter referred to as “the school”) complies with the personal information protection regulations of related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Law, and the personal information processing policy is as follows

[Article 1] Purpose of Processing Personal Information

We process personal information for the following purposes: The processed personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes.
If the purpose of use is changed, we will implement necessary measures such as receiving consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Service Provision

We process personal information for the purpose of providing various services such as news and news of our school, certification, certificate issuance, and admission information.

2. Membership and Management

We provide personal information for the purpose of identification, preservation of records for dispute settlement, handling of complaints, and notification of announcements, etc. in connection with the use of services such as entrance examinations, academic affairs, student affairs, books, teaching and learning support, research, etc.

[Article 2] Processing and Retention of Personal Information

We handle and keep personal information within the period of holding and using personal information according to laws and regulations, or during the period of using or using personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from information subject.
The processing purpose, retention period, and personal information items of the personal information file handled by the school can be viewed as follows,
Personal information privacy at the comprehensive support portal ( → Request to view personal information → Search for personal information file list → After entering “Soongsil University” in the institution name, you can inquire.

Soongsil University’s Personal Information File

[Article 3] Third party provision of personal information

We will process personal information of the information subject within the scope specified for the purpose of collection and use, and will not process or provide to third parties beyond the original purpose without the prior consent of the subject, except as follows.

  1. 1. If you receive separate consent from the principal
  2. 2. If there are special provisions in the law
  3. 3. In case the information subject or legal representative is in a state of inability to express his/her opinion or to pre-agreement due to an address unknown, clearly deemed necessary for the benefit of the urgent life, body or property of the informant or third party;
  4. 4. In case personal information is provided in a form that is not recognizable to a particular individual, for statistical and academic research purposes;

Introduction of the university on the website( of this school → Soongsil Information → Personal Information Status: Use outside purpose and provide third parties You can inquire in the menu.

Search personal information provided by 3rd party

[Article 4] Consignment of Personal Information Processing

This school consigns personal information processing for smooth handling of personal information.

You can inquire on the website( → Soongsil Talk Office → Personal Information Protection Bulletin → Personal Information Consignment menu.

Personal Information Processing Consignee Inquiry

[Article 5] Items on the rights and duties of the informant and the legal representative and the method of its exercise

The principal of the information may exercise the right of privacy of the school at any time with respect to the school.

  1. 1. Personal Information Request

    The personal information file that we hold in our school can request the personal information of the asset according to Article 35 (reading of personal information) of personal information protection law. However, requests for personal information viewing may be restricted pursuant to Article 35 (4) of the same Act as follows.

    • Access is prohibited or restricted by law;
    • If there is a risk of harming another person's life or body, or an unjustifiable violation of another person's property and other interests;

    If the public agency causes serious disruption when performing any of the following tasks:

    • - Duties of levying, collection or refund of tax
    • - schools established under the 「Elementary and Secondary Education Act」 and 「Higher Education Act」, lifelong education facilities according to 「Lifelong Education Act」 and other laws

    Matters relating to grading in higher education institutions or selection of enrollees

    • - Examination of qualification, function and recruitment, qualification examination work
    • - On-going evaluation or judgment on compensation, benefit calculation, etc.
    • - Audit and investigation work in progress under other laws
  2. 2. Personal Information Correction / Deletion Request

    The personal information file which we hold in the school may demand correction and deletion according to Article 36 (correction, deletion of personal information) of "Personal Information Protection Act". However, if other personal information is specified in the other laws and regulations, it cannot be requested to be deleted.

  3. 3. Request for suspension of personal information processing

    The personal information file we hold at our school may be suspended pursuant to Article 37 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」 (suspension of processing of personal information, etc.).
    However, when requesting to stop personal information processing, a request to stop processing may be rejected pursuant to Article 37 (2) of the Act.

    • If there is a special provision in the law or it is inevitable to comply with statutory obligations
    • If there is a risk of harming another person's life or body, or there is a risk of unjustly infringing the property or other interests of another person
    • If the public agency does not process personal information, it cannot perform the duties prescribed by other laws.
    • If the information is not processed, it is difficult to fulfill the contract, such as failure to provide the information subject and the agreed service. If the information entity does not clearly indicate the intention to terminate the contract
  4. 4. Personal information access, correction, deletion, and suspension of processing rights (bill) method

    The right to access, correct, delete, and suspend the information subject's personal information can be claimed through the form No.8 of the Personal Information Protection Act or by visiting this school for personal verification procedures.

    • Information subject identification procedure

      ① Submit a certificate to prove identity if you are the person who is the information
      (It is authorized by the administrative agency, such as resident registration card and driver's license, and cannot easily be tampered with or stolen.)

      ② Submit a document that can prove the legal representative in the case of a legal representative of an information subject

      ③ Those entrusted with information shall submit certificates to confirm their identity, including letters of attorney and resident registration cards of delegates and representatives, in accordance with the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act No. 11.

  5. 5. Disclaimer (disclaimer) method for personal information access, correction deletion, restriction of processing stop and refusal

    In case of any limitation or refusal by the school of any inquiry about the personal information of the information subject, the correction, deletion, or suspension of the processing, the applicant shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for objection such as "administrative appeal" or "administrative appeal". For more information about administrative review, please visit the website of the Central Administrative Advisory Committee (

[Article 6] Destruction of Personal Information

In principle, we will destroy personal information without delay when the period of preservation of personal information has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved. However, this may not be the case if it should be preserved in accordance with other laws and regulations. The procedures, deadlines and methods of destruction are as follows.

  1. 1. Destruction Procedure

    The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after completion of the purpose (separate documents for paper) and is stored or temporarily destroyed after a certain period of time according to internal policies and other related laws. At this time, the personal information transferred to DB will not be used for other purposes unless it is under the law.

  2. 2. Destruction Period

    In the event the period of retention of personal information has elapsed, within 5 days from the end of the retention period, the personal information of the user will be deleted if the personal information is no longer required, such as accomplishing the purpose of processing personal information, We destroy the personal information within five days from day when processing of information is recognized as unnecessary.

  3. 3. Destruction Method

    Information in the form of electronic files is a technical method that cannot reproduce records, and personal information printed on paper is destroyed by crushing or incineration.

[Article 7] Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information

In accordance with Article 29 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」, the school takes the administrative, technical and physical measures necessary for ensuring safety as follows.

  1. 1. Minimize and train personnel handling personal information

    Employees who deal with personal information are designated and limited to the person in charge, and measures are taken to minimize personal information.

  2. 2. Regular Self-Inspection

    We regularly check the status of personal information handling to ensure stability.

  3. 3. Establishing and implementing an internal management plan

    We have established and implemented an internal management plan for the safe handling of personal information.

  4. 4. Encryption of Personal Information

    User's personal information is encrypted and stored and managed. Only the user can know the password. Important data is protected by a separate security function such as encrypting the file and transmission data or using the file lock function.

  5. 5. Technical measures against hacking, etc.

    In order to prevent leakage and damage of personal information caused by hacking or computer virus, we install security program, periodically update and check, install system in outside controlled area and technically / physically monitor and block.

  6. 6. Restrict access to personal information

    We take necessary measures to control access to personal information through the granting, modification and cancellation of access to the database system that handles personal information. We also control unauthorized access from outside by using an intrusion prevention system.

  7. 7. Storage of access records and prevention of forgery

    We keep and manage the records of access to the personal information processing system for at least six months and use the security function to prevent forgery, theft or loss of access records.

  8. 8. Using a lock for document security

    Documents containing personal information and auxiliary storage media are kept in a safe place with lock.

  9. 9. Access control to non-authorized persons

    Separate physical storage places where personal information is stored and access control procedures are established and operated.

[Article 8] Person in Charge of Personal Information Protection

In order to protect personal information and to deal with complaints related to personal information, we have designated the person in charge of personal information protection and person in charge as follows (Personal Information Protection Officer pursuant to Article 31 (1) of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」)

  1. 1. Personal information protection officer, general personal information manager and personal information person

    Category, Personal Information Protection Officer, General Personal Information Manager, Personal Information Officer
    CategoryPersonal Information Protection OfficerGeneral Personal Information ManagerPersonal Information Officer
    DepartmentVice President's OfficeInformatization TeamInformatization Team
    PositionDeputy DeanDirector of Knowledge InformationHead of Information Technology Team
    NameJeon, Kyu-AhnLee, Jung-HyunJung, Yeon-Min
  2. 2. Director and Personal Information Manager

    In order to enhance the security of personal information, we designate the head of the department, university (won), other institutions and research institutes handling the personal information as the department heads, Designate the chapter as a personal information manager.

    Responsible Personnel and Personal Information

[Article 9] Viewing, correction, deletion of personal information, suspension of processing

  1. 1. The information subject can request the reading of personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act to the following department. We will endeavor to promptly process personal information inquiries of information subjects.

    Category, Personal information reading request reception desk, processing department
    CategoryPersonal information reading request reception desk, processing department
    Faculty Members
    • Department: Faculty of Education
    • Manager: Head of Education Team
    • Contact: 02-820-0141, E-mail(, FAX(02-815-6136)
    • Department: Academic Affairs Team
    • Manager: Head of Academic Affairs Team
    • Contact: 02-820-0151, E-mail(, FAX(02-815-9998)
    • Department: Student Services Student Services Team
    • Manager: Student Services Team
    • Contact: 02-820-0161, E-mail(, FAX(02-828-7069)
    (Lifelong Education Center)
    • Department: Lifelong Education Center
    • Manager: Head of Lifelong Education Center
    • Contact: 02-820-0279, E-mail(, FAX(02-815-9998)
    Employees and Outsiders
    • Department: Secretariat General Affairs Personnel Team
    • Manager: General affairs personnel team leader
    • Contact: 02-820-0171, E-mail(, FAX(02-816-1513)

    ※ Personal information viewing, correction, deletion, processing suspension request procedure

    Procedure for requesting access to personal

    (Informant or agent)

    • - Personal Information Access Claim (Personal Information Claim Form)
    • - Confirmation notice (Read-Restrictive Decision) within 5 days
    • - Open within 10 days of receipt of claim

    Soongsil University
    (Personal Information
    Protection Officer)

    Personal information correction, deletion, processing suspension request procedure

    (Informant or agent)

    • - Claim for correction, deletion and suspension of personal information (personal information claim form)
    • - Send notification of correction, deletion and suspension of processing within 10 days
    • - Send decision notice, including correction, deletion, refusal of processing suspension, etc. within 10 days

    Soongsil University
    (Personal Information
    Protection Officer)

  2. 2. In addition to the processing department, the information subject can also request personal information through the website '' of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security 'Comprehensive Support for Personal Information Protection Portal'.

    Mistry of Public Administration and
    Security’s Comprehensive Support Portal for Personal Information Protection


    Personal Information Civil Service


    Require personal
    information access, etc.

[Article 10] Infringement Remedies

In order to receive relief from personal information infringement, the personal information subject can apply for dispute resolution or consultation to the Korea Information Service Agency's Personal Information Infringement Notification Center.

Privacy Complaints Center

Personal Information Dispute Resolution Committee

Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Cyber Crime Division

National Policy Agency Cyber Terror Response

[Article 11] Matters concerning the operation of the installation and its rejection of devices that automatically collect personal information

  1. 1. The Purpose of the Use of Cookies

    In order to provide personalized services, we use "cookies" that store and retrieve information about our users from time to time. A cookie is a small amount of information that a website server sends to a user's browser and is stored on the user's computer's hard disk. We can provide specific, customized services that are only possible through the use of cookies. We may use cookies to identify members and to maintain their login status.

  2. 2. Installing / Operating and Denying Cookies

    You have the option of installing cookies. Therefore, you can allow or deny all cookies by adjusting the options in your web browser, or you can have your cookies checked every time they are saved.

    Here's how to specify whether to allow cookies to be installed (for Internet Explorer):

    • - Select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu.
    • - Click [Privacy tab].
    • - You may set [Privacy Level].

    If you refuse to store cookies, some services provided by OOO may be difficult to use, such as personalized services.

[Article 12] Change of Personal Information Processing Policy

This personal information processing policy will be applied from the effective date, and if there are additions, deletions and corrections of the changes according to laws and policies, we will notify them through announcements 7 days before the change.

Revision history of personal information processing policy